
Friday, June 24, 2011

Plums and Exotic Creatures

I have a huge refrigerator drawer full of these!

So far they have produced a Plum Cake [mixed results] and Plum Sauce [some potential]

I also have many of these...

Actually it's more like this...but who's counting...

This is how I felt about these creatures when I first moved here...

This is how I feel now...
They are like Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails...
Who eat my plants and destroy small trees...

This makes...

the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluff Tails crazy...

The very ripe fall to the ground...
One would think the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails would first
delight in the easy to steal morsels on the ground...

But, NO...

The selfish bitches want the pretty ones still on the trees...

So they behave like this...

And this...

I understand we have exotic creatures like this in the Georgia mountains...
I think one of these would take care of my Tall Rat Creature with Fluffy Tail problem...
However, I do not live near the Georgia Mountains and now that I think about it...
Having one of these just might be a bigger problem...

Instead I have this...It's a mighty Lizard Hunter...It's no good against the
Tall Rat Creature with Fluffy Tails or mice...
But, this exotic creature with the Thick Lush Hair also lives here...

And it has learned how to beat the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails at their own game...

And this year the Thick Lush Hair creature got the good ones...

Now...something for the Fashion and Decorating readers....
Only if you are a model and being featured in Vogue... 

Never in my house...

Not so bad, but I'll still stick with my greys...


  1. you are so funny. i hope you don't change this thing too much. i love it just how it is. i'm drawn to pared down layouts like yours. i'm also drawn to witty, sarcastic humor. so please don't go a changing too much. i have no idea how you could possibly like my blog, but you obviously have excellent taste.

  2. i would rock that lipstick at whole foods and be awesome.
