
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

London Loft

When I find great images of rooms or houses I like, I file them away for future inspiration.  Before I started the blog I paid little attention to the photographer's name.  But, now I always try to give photo credit in my posts.  This has caused me to realize many shelter magazine images are photographed by a small group of interior photographers. 

One name that shows up often is Simon Upton.  Strangely enough so many of the images I find myself attracted to are photographed by him.  I’m not sure if it’s how he photographs a room or the type of interiors he shoots. 

Today I was flipping through back issues of Elle Décor, noticed I had previously earmarked a London loft and realized it was the home of Simon Upton.  It’s easy to see why I like it – the primitive pieces mixed with modern, traditional and updated, casual formality, and of course it’s styled to death but doesn’t look it. 

Photos by Simon Upton…of course…

Friday, June 24, 2011

Plums and Exotic Creatures

I have a huge refrigerator drawer full of these!

So far they have produced a Plum Cake [mixed results] and Plum Sauce [some potential]

I also have many of these...

Actually it's more like this...but who's counting...

This is how I felt about these creatures when I first moved here...

This is how I feel now...
They are like Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails...
Who eat my plants and destroy small trees...

This makes...

the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluff Tails crazy...

The very ripe fall to the ground...
One would think the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails would first
delight in the easy to steal morsels on the ground...

But, NO...

The selfish bitches want the pretty ones still on the trees...

So they behave like this...

And this...

I understand we have exotic creatures like this in the Georgia mountains...
I think one of these would take care of my Tall Rat Creature with Fluffy Tail problem...
However, I do not live near the Georgia Mountains and now that I think about it...
Having one of these just might be a bigger problem...

Instead I have this...It's a mighty Lizard Hunter...It's no good against the
Tall Rat Creature with Fluffy Tails or mice...
But, this exotic creature with the Thick Lush Hair also lives here...

And it has learned how to beat the Tall Rat Creatures with Fluffy Tails at their own game...

And this year the Thick Lush Hair creature got the good ones...

Now...something for the Fashion and Decorating readers....
Only if you are a model and being featured in Vogue... 

Never in my house...

Not so bad, but I'll still stick with my greys...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Don't Wear Yellow

I keep electronic and paper folders of images I like, use for inspiration and ideas I want to steal.  One image I've had for awhile is this one and I really don't know why.  I'm not a big fan of yellow.  It's just hard to look good in yellow.  Years ago I had a Tommy Hilfiger mustard shirt and for some odd reason I deeply LOVED it.  I usually wore it with black slacks or dark jeans.  I looked like a bee.  One evening my staff took me out for drinks to celebrate a recent promotion.  After a few cocktails their heart felt advice to me on how to move forward in the corporate world was to 'never wear that ugly yellow shirt again.  It makes you look green!" They were a harsh group.  But for some reason I've always liked this image.  Maybe it's due to my sunny disposition!  But, I think it's because I like the pieces, the contrast and the graphic quality and it has nothing to do with the color.  I basically have that same table only larger in my dining room.  I like the bench against the wall and of course I like the mix of these traditional pieces against the over-sized contemporary art.  This room is from Daryl Carter and I believe I snagged it from Elle Decor. 

Yesterday I had an hour or so to kill between meetings so I dashed by a few of my favorite haunts on Atlanta's Westside and I found this in a consignment shop.  It was priced at $1,600.  Only because I was in a less-than-my-normal-angry mood I actually engage Shop Boy and mentioned I had seen a similar piece in a Daryl Carter room.  Shop Boy told me Daryl Carter "is in often and they've sold him quite a few things in the past"...hmmmm...DC designer...ATL Westside...I don't know....

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nice Books

I try not to use books as décor.  Books are for reading; or in my case looking at the pictures.  So, I generally don’t support books as objet d’art and especially as ‘risers’ to a vase full of tulips.  This Nice apartment - that’s Nice as in France, not nice as in ‘That’s a really nice wig you have on today” is owned by a book editor. I believe that is obvious from the ample amount of books and this guy knows how to live with them.  Between the floors, green gray walls, classic details and of course the books, if I were a book editor and lived in France I would live here. Although, some may consider it a bit studious for me, you have to admit it’s pretty chic. 

Published in The World of Interiors, May 2009.  Photo credit by Jean-Marie del Moral. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Resting Spots

photo credit eric piasecki
Feeling like you are about to pass out?  Perhaps you’ve just learned that your pregnancy test was positive and at 45 you had other ideas of how you were going to spend the next 18 years!  Maybe you are having a serious case of the vapors, because you noticed your mother’s new stripper video reached 500,000 hits on YouTube.  Maybe you have to sit down quickly every time you think about your recent trip to the market and you were half way down the can goods aisle before it was pointed out you forgot to put on your pants.  It could be due to those nagging dizzy spells caused by the guilt of what you had to do to get out of that speeding ticket last week.  Or, you realized the IPhone pic of this morning's erection was sent to all your Twitter followers and not just that hooker in Miami.  Whatever the case, these are good spots to catch your breath.

photo credit eric roth

habitually chic

photo credit jacques dirand

photo credit mark luscombe - whyte

photo credit simon upton
photo credit simon upton

photo credit simon upton

vicente wolf