
Monday, May 6, 2013

Moving On!

And the big news is...

We're moving...
(by now you probably realized I don't talk about things until the possibility is reality and the situation pretty much determined)
from this...
to this...

Which means new city, new state, new job...

Now you know why I haven't been talking about the furniture line.  Just when I decide I was completely prepared to move forward and show the line another opportunity came out of nowhere.  I guess that's how these things sometimes happen - just when you least expect it!  But, this one was just to good to pass up - even if it means moving from the house and property I love.  Sometimes its just time to move on. 
What I haven't previously mentioned is that we decided a year or so ago that we were ready to sell the house and return to city life.  20 years, one minor and one major renovation, a dozen farm cats, and more tomato plants than you can image has been great but its was time to check back in to civilization.  This was a decision which did not come lightly and took awhile to evolve.  Even then we thought it would be another five years or so before we actually put the house on the market and moved.  After all the part we hadn't decided was where we would move!  But, then fate entered the picture and made the decision for us. 
So now we go from one extreme to the other!
My first thought was to simply  close down the blog at this point.  After  all the blog name  is based one of the original owners of the house - not me.  And, its focus has been on southern style and all things plantation.  Also, I didn't want my blog to be one of those which just lies there in the internet waste land, never updated, never read. 
But, even with the life change about to happen I've decided that maybe I still have something to say.  So, before I close it down let's just see what happens next.  Who knows, maybe its just time to take a moment, regroup and retool and come back even better! But, bare with me.  I'm going to be busy so I want be around for awhile, but I will be back.
So for now I'm off to my high-rise adventure.  The long suffering 'C' will continue to be here on the farm until  it sells.  Saint Joseph has been planted in the backyard and I'll be coming back and forth - the grass still needs to be cut!
Oh...let me know if you want to buy a plantation.  I just happened to have one available!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Furniture & What's Next?

Here's one more piece in the furniture line. 

I've received a few comments and even more emails from people who have been surprised by my last post about the furniture line.  No one has missed anything.  I decided not to mention the line until I had worked through the possibility of bringing it to reality.  My hope has been to introduce the line to the residential market at Highpoint in October. But, as much work as you put into the designs, brand and concept it doesn't happened unless you find someone to actually make the stuff!  And, securing a manufacturing partner - who you can trust - is the most difficult part.  Even with that roadblock I was determined to push forward...

Until something else happened which changed everything!  Stay tuned...big news in my next post!'s another piece in the furniture line. 

It comes in white or black...of course the black version is larger!  (just checking to see if you are really paying attention).