
Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

End of Summer

I heard the local news weather weasel mention this morning this is the last week of Summer. Which generally depresses me.  End of Summer means it will be cold soon and I'll have to start wearing clothes and shoes.  I don't like to wear shoes!  As much as I bitched about the heat this year, I dread the cold much more!  But, overall I guess it was a pretty good summer here on the farm.  In spite of the debilitating lazy streak I've had for the past year I managed to get a few things accomplished.  The garden shed is finished.  Some day I'll get around to posting a few pictures.  I managed to finish a few landscaping projects.  It was a good garden year - most of that effort goes to C not me!  I got the dining porch set up.  I still haven't found a solution for the pool liner, but we meet with the pool dude on Monday so at least a conversation is taking place. 

Here's some snap shots of farm summer 2011.

I got most of the blueberries this year...not the birds...

As I've mentioned before...tomato banner year...

August was a month of watermelon margaritas...

I became enthralled with this guy and followed him along the side of the house for what seemed like
hours one day...probably due to too many watermelon margaritas...

The green fence hedge across the front of the property finally took shape this year...

About five years ago we had many white Crepe Myrtles planted on all side of the gardens
around the house...they exploded this year...

This little side courtyard is off the wrap-around-porch...more to come on this project later....

I managed to keep these citrus trees alive all far any way.  One even has small
tangerines on it...

It was this hot here all summer long....

It was a good herb year...

And, Linda told us to try something new and suggested to do this
watermelon cube with balsamic.  I did it for 4th of July guests...It was a hit and I remembered to snap a photo
just before the last one disappeared.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

European New Country

This home was featured in British House and Garden March 2005.  It’s the Bedford Westchester County New York home of Designers Stephen Sill & James Huniford.

The house is described as new country style.  I’m all about the eclectic European mix.  It has many of my favorite things – Egyptian interior columns, classic furniture & details mixed with new pieces.  There are interesting accessories in each photo that make you look closer to really see what’s going on, but it’s all still very subtle. 

Photos by mark Luscombe Whyte

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mantel Accessories

photo credit Jeff McNamara
We have three fireplaces in our house.  Which also means we have three fireplace mantels.  I can't walk by one of them with moving something.  I have a pair of verdigris urns placed on the mantel in the front parlor and those generally stay untouched.  But, I can't even begin to describe to you how many times I've moved things and 'restyled' the mantels in the the dining room and the guest bedroom.  I feel another display attempt quickly approaching.  Here's some good inspiration!

photo credit Pieter Estersohn

photo credit Roger Davies

photo credit Roland Beaufre

photo credit Colleen Duffley

photo credit Simon Upton

photo credit Thomas Loof

photo credit William Abranowicz